Friday, February 26, 2021

9 Food habits that makes you Healthy.


1. Eat more fruits and vegetables:

Fruit and vegetables are good for our health, and most come with a low environmental impact. There are exceptions, as some require a lot of resources to transport and keep fresh, so eating these less frequently can increase the sustainability of our diets.

2. Eat locally, when in season;

Locally-grown foods can be a sustainable choice if we choose those that are in a season where we live. The cost of producing or storing local foods beyond their natural growing seasons could be higher than shipping foods that are in season somewhere else.

3. Avoid eating more than needed, especially treats:

Consuming only what we need reduces demands on our food supply by decreasing excess production. It also helps to keep us healthy and avoid excessive weight gain. Limiting snacking on energy-dense low-nutrient foods and paying attention to portion sizes are all useful ways to avoid unnecessary overconsumption.

4. Swap animal proteins for plant-based ones:

In general, more resources are needed to produce animal-based proteins (especially beef), compared to plant-based proteins (such as beans, pulses, and some grains). Eating a more plant-based diet also brings health benefits: plant-based food provides more fiber and has a lower saturated fat content, both of which can contribute to a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.

5. Choose whole grains:

Non-refined cereals are generally less resource-intensive to produce than refined ones as they require fewer processing steps. They are also good for health, reducing our risk of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and overweight.

6. Choose sustainably sourced seafood:

Fish is a good source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to normal vision, brain function, and heart health. However, overfishing is causing wild fish stocks to become depleted. In order to benefit from the necessary nutrients and reduce pressure on wild fish stocks.

7. Eat dairy products in moderation:

While milk and dairy products have an important environmental impact, dairy products are an important source of protein, calcium, and essential amino acids, and have been linked to a reduced risk of several chronic diseases, including Metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, stroke, bowel cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

8. Avoid unnecessary packaging Foods:

Food packaging, especially when made of non-recyclable materials can have a huge impact on the environment. We all can reduce the amount of packaged products we buy (think of bulk apples versus cling-film wrapped ones), or opt for materials that are biodegradable, fully recyclable, or made from recycled materials.

9. Drink tap water:

In Europe, the standards of water quality and safety are high. Instead of buying bottled water, we can re-fill a reusable water bottle at the tap as many times as we want. Tap water costs a fraction of the price of bottled water and reduces our ecological footprint.

Further information:

For more information on the environmental impact of our diet see ‘Towards more sustainable diets’

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Zotrim- Product review.


1.What Is Zotrim

2.How Does It Work

3.What Is It Made From

1.What Is Zotrim

Zotrim is a characteristic natural dietary enhancement that will assist you with decreasing your every day caloric admission upheld by various clinical preliminaries showing preferable outcomes over solution contenders. 

Zotrim is somewhat not the same as other fat eliminators since the fixings were assembled to furnish you with an eating routine pill that will help you change your dietary patterns. 

Food has become a piece of our general public far past eating when you're eager. 

We eat when we're miserable, cheerful, irate, praising, grieving, and when we're exhausted. 

Changing the manner in which you consider food and not interfacing it to your feelings is a fundamental component of an eating routine that numerous individuals don't comprehend or even consider.

How Does It Work

The combination of Guarana, yerba mate, and Damiana drastically improves your ability to deny cravings and not overeat during breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

To lose weight, you have to eat fewer calories than you burn during the day. 

It’s a process known as calories in, calories out.

If you do this consistently, your body is forced to use stored existing fat as energy and starts to shed—the weight it carries.

The main reason why people can’t stay in a calorie deficit consistently is that they give in to their cravings, especially later in the day.

Zotrim’s unique formula makes you fuller longer and prevents you from having cravings.

What Is It Made From

All of the ingredients in Zotrim on their own have benefits in weight loss and your health, but when they are combined, they give you the tools you need to stay motivated and on track to have the body you always wanted finally.

Guarana extract

If you have looked at the ingredients in energy drinks, you’ll see that guarana seed extract is in the vast majority of them.

This is because it is a natural stimulant that has more caffeine in it than coffee.

It has unique properties that make your body release fatty acids into your bloodstream to be transported throughout the body and used as energy.

When this process is combined with the boost in your metabolism to burn more calories, weight loss is noticeable within the first month.

Caffeine anhydrous

Caffeine is the closest thing you will get to a wonder drug for weight loss.

It helps you attack your weight problem from so many different directions; it is no wonder it’s found in every effective weight loss supplement.

It boosts your metabolism to increase the number of calories you burn every day.

It will raise the thermogenic process in your body so that you’ll use more calories producing body heat.

Caffeine is also an appetite suppressant to help you with craving and not overeating.

 Since you have to combine exercise and a healthy diet with any fat burner, caffeine will help you stay physically motivated to workout since it will raise your energy levels.

Damiana extract

One of the biggest reasons people find themselves overweight is due to emotional eating.

Whether it’s from being depressed, bored, excited, or you’re at a social function, people find themselves adding a lot of excess calories into their daily total than they should be.

Yerba Mate

The leaves from this tree are higher in antioxidants than green tea extract, which is crucial since it will help your immune system stay healthy while you’re dieting.

It also helps give you energy and prevents your body from producing new fat cells.

The Benefits Of Using Zotrim

Increases your energy naturally

You won’t be hungry

Enhances your mood

8 Effective Tips to Lose Fat in Your Face

 Losing weight can be a challenge on its own, let alone losing weight from a specific area of your body. Particularly, extra fat in the face can be a frustrating issue to solve if it bothers you.

Fortunately, plenty of strategies can increase fat burning and help slim down your face.

1. Do facial exercises

Facial exercises can be used to improve facial appearance, combat aging, and improve muscle strength.

Anecdotal reports claim that adding facial exercises to your routine can also tone facial muscles, making your face appear slimmer.

Some of the most popular exercises involve puffing out your cheeks and pushing the air from side to side, puckering your lips on alternating sides, and holding a smile while clenching your teeth for several seconds at a time.

Although evidence is limited, one review reported that facial exercises may build muscle tone in your face.

Another study showed that performing facial muscle exercises twice per day for 8 weeks increased muscle thickness and improved facial rejuvenation.

Keep in mind that research is lacking on the effectiveness of facial exercises for fat loss specifically. More studies are needed to evaluate how these exercises may impact facial fat in humans.

2. add cardio to your routine

Often, extra fat in your face is the result of excess body fat.

Losing weight can increase fat loss and help slim down both your body and face.

Cardio, or aerobic exercise, is any type of physical activity that increases your heart rate. It’s widely considered one of the most effective methods for weight loss.

Multiple studies have found that cardio can help promote fat burning and increase fat loss.

What’s more, one study found that women with obesity experienced greater fat loss with higher amounts of cardio exercise.

Try to get 150–300 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise each week, which translates to approximately 20–40 minutes of cardio per day.

Some common examples of cardio exercise include running, dancing, walking, biking, and swimming.

3. Drink more water

Drinking water is crucial for your overall health and can be especially important if you’re looking to lose facial fat.

Studies suggest that water can keep you feeling full and enhance weight loss.

In fact, one small study found that drinking water before a meal significantly decreased the number of calories consumed during the meal.

Other research suggests that drinking water may temporarily increase your metabolism. Increasing the number of calories you burn over the course of the day can help boost weight loss (9Trusted Source).

4. Limit alcohol consumption

While enjoying the occasional glass of wine with dinner is fine, going overboard with your alcohol intake can be one of the biggest contributors to facial fat accumulation and bloating.

Alcohol is high in calories but low in nutrients and may be associated with an increased risk of weight gain.

Keeping your alcohol consumption in check is the best way to control alcohol-induced bloating and weight gain.

According to the current U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, moderate drinking is defined as up to two drinks per day for men and up to one drink per day for women.

5. Cut back on refined carbs

Refined carbs like cookies, crackers, and pasta are common culprits of weight gain and increased fat storage.

These carbs have been heavily processed, stripping them of their beneficial nutrients and fiber and leaving little behind besides sugar and calories.

Because they contain very little fiber, they’re digested rapidly, leading to spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels and a higher risk of overeating.

One study in 277 women showed that a higher intake of refined carbs was associated with a higher risk of obesity and a greater amount of belly fat.

Although no studies have looked directly at refined carbs’ effects on facial fat, swapping them out for whole grains can help increase overall weight loss, which may also aid facial fat loss.

6. Switch up your sleep schedule

Catching up on sleep is an important overall weight loss strategy. It may also help you lose facial fat.

Sleep deprivation can cause an increase in levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that comes with a long list of potential side effects, including weight gain.

Studies have shown that high cortisol levels can increase appetite and alter metabolism, resulting in increased fat storage.

Furthermore, squeezing in more sleep may help you shed extra pounds.

One study found that better sleep quality was associated with successful weight loss maintenance.

Conversely, studies show that sleep deprivation can increase food intake, cause weight gain, and lower metabolism.

Ideally, aim for at least 8 hours of sleep per night to aid weight control and facial fat loss.

7. Watch your sodium intake

One hallmark of excess sodium intake is bloating, and it may contribute to facial puffiness and swelling.

This is because sodium causes your body to hold extra water, resulting in fluid retention.

Several studies have shown that a higher intake of sodium can increase fluid retention, especially in people who are more sensitive to the effects of salt.

Processed foods account for more than 75% of sodium intake in the average diet, so cutting out convenience foods, savory snacks, and processed meats can be an easy and effective way to reduce your sodium intake.

Consider reducing your sodium intake to make your face appear slimmer.

8. Eat more fiber

One of the most popular recommendations for slimming your face and losing cheek fat is to increase your intake of fiber.

Fiber is a compound in plant foods that moves slowly through your digestive tract, keeping you feeling fuller for longer to curb cravings and decrease appetite.

According to one study in 345 people with overweight and obesity, higher fiber intake was associated with increased weight loss and improved adherence to a low-calorie diet.

Another review of 62 studies showed that eating more soluble fiber, which is a type of fiber that forms a gel when mixed with water, may reduce both body weight and waist circumference, even without restricting calories.

Fiber is naturally found in a variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes.

Ideally, you should aim to consume at least 25–38 grams of fiber per day from these food sources.


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Saturday, February 20, 2021

How Much Should I Weigh For My Age And Height?


The buzz about weight has been around since time unknown. It has gained momentum in recent times, given our almost-sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy eating habits, and seemingly never-ending work hours. Heart attacks and strokes, once reserved for senior citizens, are now overpowering people as young as 30. But what exactly is the ideal weight? Is there a magic number that tells you all’s well with your body?

Despite the presence of countless websites, weighing machines, fitness centers, and gyms, the question “how much should I weigh for my age and height?” still persists.

Through this write-up, we have tried to put together some of the most popular ways your weight is calculated. But before you take a look at the various ways of calculating your body weight, here are certain interesting facts you should know!

Table Of Contents

·         What Determines Your Body Weight?

·         An Interesting Revelation

·         Calculate Your BMI

·         How Effective is WHR as a Body Weight Indicator?

·         So What About the Ideal Body Weight?

What Determines Your Body Weight?

Along with your height and age, there are some other factors that actually determine your ideal body weight, which many a time is left out during calculations. Some of the factors that one should ideally consider while calculating his/her weight include:

1.   Age

2.   Sex

3.   Height

4.   Body frame

5.   Bone density

6.   Body fat percentage

Along with the above-mentioned factors, your gene, race, as well as metabolic rates play a major role in determining your ideal body weight. While many believe that Body Mass An index is the perfect indicator of your ideal weight, many feel waist to hip ratio is the right one.

An Interesting Revelation

Various studies suggest that people who are overweight, in fact, are less prone to mortality risks and dreaded medical conditions than those who fall into the category of normal weight. Well, that is something really interesting here.

So here are the various ways your weight is calculated normally.

1. The Weighing Scale:

There is no explanation required about the weighing scale. Stand on it, preferably as soon as you wake up, and weigh yourself. So, let us say your weighing scale shows you are 76 kg and your height is 5 feet 6 inches. And, you are a woman who is 31, a mother of 2 kids, with obesity in genes, and with a broad frame. How correct do you think the scale is?

To keep it simple, what you see on the scale is the gross weight. And, if you are weighing yourself at a fitness center or doctor, then, of course, you are going to be classified as obese. But you will be considered slightly overweight if the person is well aware of the other factors that determine the weight factor.

2. The Body Mass Index:

This is the most popular, and not to deny, the most sought-after method for concluding whether you fall into the ideal weight category. So, what exactly is body mass index? It is nothing but the ratio of your weight to height.

Here is how you calculate your BMI.

BMI [Metric] = Weight (kg)/Height(m)

For example, if you weight 90 kilos and you are 1.8 m tall, then your BMI will be something like this:

BMI = 90/ (1.8 * 1.8) = 27.77

BMI [Imperial] = [Weight (lbs) * 703]/Height[inches]

For example, if you weight 198 lbs and height is 71 inches, then your BMI will be:

BMI = (198 * 703)/(72*72) = 139194/5184 = 26.85

According to health practitioners from across the world, the BMI acceptance levels is something as follows:



Less than 18.5


18.5 to 25


25 to 30


Greater than 30


Calculate Your BMI

But is BMI The Right Way To Measure Your Weight?

The answer is indeed a little tricky, but I would say it is not accurate in any way. And why do I say that? Well, for one, it does not take into consideration even your sex or age, leave aside the chest, waist, and hip measurements! A huge couch potato might end up with a lower BMI than a fit athlete of the same height. The reason – the belly fat, the huge thighs, love handles, the sex, race, without knowledge of these factors one just cannot determine the ideal weight of a person.

Plus, it forgets a quintessential weight-determining factor – bone density. A person who looks quite fat might be weighing more because of her bone density and not merely the sluggish fat. If a female is suffering from intense levels of osteoporosis, she might record a low BMI when compared to a woman who possesses heavier fat and weaker bones, but with the same height. However, despite such drawbacks, the BMI is a method people still prefer to rely on. In simple words, the body fat in people goes unnoticed in a BMI calculator and the results are highly erratic.

3. Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR):

The next one in the league is the ratio of your waist size and hip size. Waist should always be measured at the smallest point just above your navel, while hips should be measured at the widest point. Waist To Hip Ratio Calculator.

Waist to hip ratio = Waist at its Smallest Circumference/Hips at its Widest Circumference:

If you are a woman with a waist of 33 and hips of 42, then your Waist to hip ratio will be:

WHR = 33/42 = 0.78

Here is how it will help you assess if you are falling into the desired weight category:

Male Waist To Hip Ratio Assessment:



Below 0.9


0.9 – 0.99


Above 0.99


Female Waist To Hip Ratio Assessment:



Below 0.8


0.8 – 0.89


Above 0.89


How Effective is WHR as a Body Weight Indicator?

When compared to BMI, this is any day a better version, as it showcases the chances of a person developing cardiac issues. Studies reveal that people with more fat at their waist are more prone to health issues than a person with large hips. This means, if you are a pear, then you are safer than an apple-shaped person.

However, this also does not yield an accurate measurement, as it does not contemplate your bone density or body frame. Yet, it is considered quite useful to assess health risks when compared to BMI.

4. Waist To Height Ratio:

This is yet another way of measuring your ideal weight and know whether you are under the threat of any cardiovascular conditions.

Waist to height ratio = Waist in Inches/Height in Inches:

If you are 5 feet 6 inches tall and have a waist of 32 inches, then your waist to height ratio will be:

Waist to height ratio = 32/66 = 0.48

Refer to the table below to know what your ratio says about your weight:

Waist to Height Ratio for Males:



Below 35

Abnormally slim and underweight

35 – 43

Extremely slim

44 – 46

Slender, healthy

47 – 53

Normal, healthy, attractive weight

53 – 58


58 – 63

Extreme overweight to mildly obese

Above 63

Morbidly obese

Waist to Height Ratio for Females:



Below 35

Abnormally slim and underweight

35 – 42

Extremely slim

43 – 46

Slender, healthy

47 – 49

Normal weight, healthy, attractive

49 – 54


54 – 58

Extreme overweight to mildly obese

Above 58

Morbidly obese

5. The Body Fat Percentage

All of us have fat in our bodies, but in varied proportions. There is a specific level of fat which every human need. Essential fat is what you need for your survival, while storage fat safeguards your vital organs that lie embedded in your abdomen and chest. Women need a higher amount of essential fat, and this varies between the races.

What is total body fat? It is the sum of the essential fat and storage fat. There are various ways of calculating the body fat percentage is a little tricky and may vary with different tools. You have the YMCA or US Navy way, the capillaries, and the body fat scales and monitors.

Here I have used the US Navy Circumference Measurement. This makes use of various measurements from your body, including your neck, waist, and hips. Make sure you keep in mind the following aspects while measuring yourself:

·         Height: Measure without your shoes or sandals

·         Neck: Just below your larynx, bending forward gently

·         Waist: Men – measure it at your navel; women – pick the smallest point above your navel

·         Hip: This counts only for women; choose the widest point

Here is how you calculate the body fat percentage using this particular formula:

Note: Weight is measured in kilograms and other measurements in inches.

Body Fat Percentage for Males:

1. (Total weight / 1.082) + 94.42

2. Waist /4.15

·         Lean body weight: I – II

·         Body fat weight: Total weight – Lean body weight

·         Body fat percentage: [Body fat weight/Total weight] / 100

For example, if you are a male with a weight of 80 kg and 30-inch waist, then your body fat the percentage will be something like below;

Total weight = 80 kg

Waist = 36 in

I = (80 /1.082) + 94.42 = 180.98

II = 30 /4.15 = 124.5

·         Lean body weight = 180.98 – 149.4 = 56.48

·         Body fat weight = 80 – 31.58 = 23.52

·         Body Fat Percentage = (23.52/80) / 100 = 29.4%

Body Fat Percentage for Females:

1. (Total weight / 0.732) + 8.987

2. Wrist (at the fullest point) /3.140

3. Waist / 0.157

4. Hips / 0.249

5. Forearm (at the fullest point) / 0.434

Lean body weight: I + II – III – IV + V

Body fat weight: Total weight – Lean body weight

Body fat percentage: [Body fat weight/Total weight] * 100

How much you should weigh for your age and height is actually a range and not a fixed number. You do not have to worry about your weight till your body fat falls between lean to moderate levels. And, of course, if you have the broader frame, you are going to weigh more than your narrower counterparts. Add to this your higher body density, expect it not to match your scales.

This article has briefly explained five different ways to help you find if your weight falls within the much talked about ‘ideal weight range’. All these methods can be calculated at your convenience at your home.

If you are going by the ‘ideal weight philosophy’, then 99% of the time you’ll be tempted to embark on a weight loss journey. However, keep in mind the various basic factors before you embark on this journey. The target should ideally be to keep your waist size under control even if your net weight goes up, which might happen when your muscle mass increases.

Practice yoga, workout regularly, adopt a healthy diet, chuck out the bad carbs, embrace wholesome carbs, eat fibery delights, say no to carbonated drinks and smoking, bid adieu to processed foods, and keep up your metabolism levels high! Do these things without fail and start noticing the difference!

Still not happy? Then it is the time you visit a professional and get to know the facts.

Did you find this article helpful? Do share your feedback with us in the comments section below!

9 Food habits that makes you Healthy.

  1. Eat more fruits and vegetables: Fruit and vegetables are good for our health, and most come with a low environmental impact. There are ...