Monday, February 15, 2021

Top 12 Biggest Myths About Weight Loss

 There is a lot of weight loss advice on the internet.

Most of it is either unproven or proven not to work.

Here are the top 12 biggest lies, myths, and misconceptions about weight loss.

The calorie is a measurement of energy. All calories have the same energy content.

However, this does not mean that all calorie sources have the same effects on your weight.

Different foods go through different metabolic pathways and can have vastly different effects on hunger and the hormones that regulate your body weight.

Losing weight is usually not a linear process, as some people think. Some days and weeks you may lose weight, while during others you may gain a little bit.

This is not a cause for concern. It’s normal for body weight to fluctuate up and down by a few pounds.

For example, you may be carrying more food in your digestive system or holding on to more water than usual.

The weight loss supplement industry is massive. Various companies claim that their supplements have dramatic effects, but they’re rarely very effective when studied.

The main reason that supplements work for some people is the placebo effect. People fall for the marketing tactics and want the supplements to help them lose weight, so they become more conscious of what they eat.

4. Obesity is about willpower, not biology:

It is inaccurate to say that your weight is all about willpower.

Obesity is a very complex disorder with dozens — if not hundreds — of contributing factors.

Numerous genetic variables are associated with obesity, and various medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism, PCOS, and depression, can increase your risk of weight gain.

5. Eat less, move more:

A major and sustained change in perspective and behavior is needed to lose weight with diet and exercise. Restricting your food intake and getting more physical activity isn’t enough.

Instructing someone with obesity to simply eat less and move more is like telling someone with depression to cheer up or someone with alcoholism to drink less.

6. Carbs make you fat:

                                                Low-carb diets can aid in weight loss, In many cases, this happens even without conscious calorie restriction. As long as you keep your carb intake low and your protein intake high, you’ll lose weight.

7. Fat makes you fat:

                 Fat provides around 9 calories per gram, compared with only 4 calories per gram of carbs or protein. Fat is very calorie-dense and commonplace in junk foods. Yet, as long as your calorie intake is within a healthy range, fat does not make you fat.

8. Eating breakfast is necessary to lose weight:

                        Studies show that breakfast skippers tend to weigh more than breakfast eatersHowever, this is probably because people who eat breakfast are more likely to have other healthy lifestyle habits. In fact, a 4-month study in 309 adults compared breakfast habits and found no effect on weight whether the participants ate or skipped breakfast.

                                            Not all fast food is unhealthy. Because of people’s increased health consciousness, many fast-food chains have started offering healthier options. It’s possible to get something relatively healthy at most restaurants. Most cheap fast-food restaurants often provide healthier alternatives to their main offerings.

These foods may not satisfy the demands of every health-conscious individual, but they’re still a decent choice if you don’t have the time or energy to cook a healthy meal.

10. Weight loss diets work:

          The weight loss industry wants you to believe that diets work. However, studies show that dieting rarely works in the long-term. Notably, 85% of dieters end up gaining the weight back within a year. Additionally, studies indicate that people who diet are most likely to gain weight in the future.

Thus, dieting is a consistent predictor of future weight gain — not loss.

11. People with obesity are unhealthy and thin people are healthy:

It’s true that obesity increases your risk of several chronic illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. However, plenty of people with obesity are metabolically healthy — and plenty of thin people have these same chronic diseases Trusted Source.

12. Diet foods can help you lose weight :  

                    A lot of junk food is marketed as healthy. Examples include low-fat, fat-free, and processed gluten-free foods, as well as high-sugar beverages. You should be skeptical of any health claims on food packaging, especially on processed items. These labels usually exist to deceive — not inform. Some junk food marketers will encourage you to buy their fattening junk food. In fact, if the packaging of a food tells you that it’s healthy, there’s a chance it’s the exact opposite.

              Maintaining a Healthy Immune System 

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